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Write For Us Marriage Category Accepted For Blog Submission

We are accepting guest blogs and articles for Write For Us Marriage Category. in thi next step you will get to know the guidelines. Read carefully to remove your doubts.

Important Guidelines For Write For Us Marriage Category

1. Uniqueness

Content should be Unique means content that you are sending us is not published anywhere. And written by a person own.

2. The title

The headline is an article's most crucial component. Please keep it Simple and Crisp.

3. Word count

MInimim 420 and mazimum can be 3000.

4. Our Principles

These guidelines set forth what we post. In order for your content to be included on our website, please ensure that it does the following:

5. Subheadings 

There should be proper use of Headings and subheadings in the content,

6. Pictures

One Images should be there with one blog maxmun images will be more good.

7. Add a bio

Adding a bio with the blog is a ery goodd thing. It gives a creadit that the content is wriiten by such person.

8. Link 

You can add 2 or 3 dofollow lnks in the blog content. Link should be genuine.

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